England In the UK, the opposite is true, more precisely the automobile movement. It was in this country that the left-hand traffic originated On any stamp, Latin letters indicate the name of the country that issued it. Only the UK is exempt from this obligation, because it was the first to use stamps. In Scotland, a man who refused to marry a woman who offered him an offer was required to pay a fine.A distinctive feature of the British subway can be called that not only the lines on the schemes, but also the wagons of different lines are painted in the appropriate colors. In the UK there is no single constitutional documentIn the UK, there is a profession of a soldier in line. USAAmericans use ice cream more than any other nation in the world.in the US there is no official state languageMedical errors are the sixth leading cause of death in the US
Расскажите о ваших предпочтениях и скажите, что: 1 , сладкая пища, которую вы хотите купить для вашего дня рождения 2. горячей еды вы хотите заказать в кафе или ресторане 3. школьного обеда можно было бы назвать идеальным 4. пища, которую вы не ели, даже если вы голодали 5. одежду, которую вы бы хотели носить для подростка партии 6. одежду вы предпочитаете носить в школе 7. одежду, которую вы бы очень не хотелось, чтобы носить 8. подарки вы хотели бы получить и дать 9. цветы вы хотите купить для своей матери 10. канцелярском вам любят покупать и использовать
In the UK, the opposite is true, more precisely the automobile movement. It was in this country that the left-hand traffic originated
On any stamp, Latin letters indicate the name of the country that issued it. Only the UK is exempt from this obligation, because it was the first to use stamps.
In Scotland, a man who refused to marry a woman who offered him an offer was required to pay a fine.A distinctive feature of the British subway can be called that not only the lines on the schemes, but also the wagons of different lines are painted in the appropriate colors.
In the UK there is no single constitutional documentIn the UK, there is a profession of a soldier in line.
USAAmericans use ice cream more than any other nation in the world.in the US there is no official state languageMedical errors are the sixth leading cause of death in the US