Present Simple №2 Поставить глагол в отрицательную форму. 1. I collect – 2. They study – 3. She helps – 4. We want – 5. You wash – 6. It goes – 7. He lives –
В настоящее время вместе глаголом добавляется s/es только в третьем лице это she,he,it
И когда дело доходит до отрицательного то s/es убирается вместо этого he lives,he does not live.she drinks,she doesn't drink.А I/they/you/we don't или do not.
Narrator: Now William and Rose Are playing, you see - But here comes Mummy, It's time for tea! Time for tea! Time for tea! Come on!Com on! Put you toys on the shelf And run, run, run! Oh dear, poor Sam! He's not on the shelf. He's there by the window All by himself! It's windy today, Look out! Look out! Oh dear, poor Sam, Can you hear him shout?
Если я правильно поняла и это нужно перевести на английский то вот: 1.Who do you want to be? - I want to follow in my mom's footsteps and become a doctor. I think this is a very important profession. 2.Many young people want to work in IT, because they want to have a well-paying job.I also want to become a programmer and get a high salary. 3.What is the purpose of your life? I want to finish school, go abroad and find a well-paying job. I think I will reach my goal. 4.Do you know the requirements for this job? - Not. I only know that this is a worthwhile job. 5.Do you like your job? - Yes. I have good working conditions and I like to deal with clients. 6.I have a passion for drawing and therefore I am interested in creative professions. 7.She is smart, curious and creative. She can be a good advertising manager. 8.What are his strengths and weaknesses? He is a good leader, but at the same time he is an unprepared specialist. 9.I prefer the practical work of paper work. Do you have a long working day? Если я сделала не то ,то какое именно задание нужно было выполнять?
1. I do not collect
2. They don't study
3. She does not help
4. We don't want
5. You don't wash
6. It doesn't go
7. He does not live
В настоящее время вместе глаголом добавляется s/es только в третьем лице это she,he,it
И когда дело доходит до отрицательного то s/es убирается вместо этого he lives,he does not live.she drinks,she doesn't drink.А I/they/you/we don't или do not.