8 парков
Парки: в Лондоне насчитывается восемь королевских парков, включая парк в Гринвиче. В Кензингтонском парке находится Мемориальная площадка Принцессы Дианы. Парк Святого Джеймса, самый большой среди королевских парков, приютил на своем озере гусей, пеликанов и много другой живности. Здесь снимались известные фильмы: «Умри, но не сейчас «(Die Another Day), «Матч Пойнт» (Match Point) и «101 далматинец» . Из Парка Гринвич, открывается вид на Лондон и реку Темзу. Он является объектом мирового наследия и райским уголком для живущих здесь оленей, лис, птиц и другой живности.
D. Complete using personal pronouns.
Dear Tony,
How are you? I'm fine. Jim and I
went on a
school trip to Italy last week. It
was great.
took a boat to Elba. It's a beautiful island
and we liked it
very much. I had my camera
with me,
so I took lots of pictures. Jim went
horse riding. He
had lots of fun. I didn't go
with him because I don't like horses. We also
explored caves on the island. There was water in
! We wanted to go swimming but the water was very cold. Our teacher told
lots of things about the island, too. Napoleon lived there! His house is a
museum now and we visited it
. We had a great time. Anyway, I've got lots of
homework for tomorrow. Write back soon.
so I get to drive the car