Task 8. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:
1. Any visitor can perceive itself a little in their role.
2. In 1960 it was no longer subject to restoration.
3. In last year we began to conduct work according to digitization of video
4. The 5 films are already enumerated.
5. In XXI century artistic software fills ever wider acceptance.
6. It is wonderfully to demonstrate the connection of nature, mathematics,
computer technology and arts with the aid of the fraktal drawing.
7.To restore the first electronic digital machines for the demonstration of their work is practically impossible.
7. In the computer collection of Polytechnic Museum we haven't this block.
8. Also in the exposition the dynamic stand of logic elements "Logical
functions on the semiconductors" works under control of the personal computer.
What is tornado?
Is a tornado spinning or calm wind?
A tornado is a spinning, whirling wind, isn't it?
Can tornadoes reach speed of more then 250mph.?
What speed can tornadoes reach?
Can tornadoes reach speeds of more or less than 250mph.?
Tornadoes can reach speeds of more than 250 mph., can't they?
Did Theodore Fujita develop a scale to show how strong tornadoes are?
What did Theodore Fujita develop to show how strong tornadoes are?
Did Theodore Fujita develop a scale to show how strong or weak tornadoes are?
Theodore Fujita developed a scale to show how strong tornadoes are, didn't she?