Write one letter in each gap to complete the words.
1 When a situation is f
- , you think
people are being reasonable.
2 When you l. someone do something,
you say they can do it.
3 When people a.
-, they
disagree and shout.
4 When you give someone
p -
to do something, you say they can do it.
5 When you g -
-- someone, you are close and
6 Your
with someone is the connection between you.
7 When you g
u , you get
older and more mature.
8 When you a
someone to
do something, you say they can do it.
ответ: на английском.
Personal pronouns in English include the following pronouns: I - I. you – you, you. he - he. she - she. it is it. we are us. they are them. me - me, me. him -he. her - she. us -we. them - they. Personal pronouns denote persons or objects in terms of their relationship to the speaker.
Объяснение: вот если надо на русском.
К личным местоимения в английском языке относятся следующие местоимения: I – я. you – ты, вы. he – он. she – она. it – оно. we – мы. they – они. me – я, мне. him – он. her – она. us – мы. them – они. Личные местоимения обозначают лиц или предметы с точки зрения их отношения к говорящему.