Once there lived a girl who loved her classmate. Unfortiently, this boy had never even looked at this girl. So her love was very painful and terrible. But our girl was courage enough to come to the boy and tell him about her fillings. But as it was expected the boy only laughed at her. She cried a lot thinking that her life had ended. But on the next day when she went shopping she met a perfect boy who was elder her. She fell in love with him. But another problem appered on her way to happiness - her parents. Still we have to remember that the girl was very brave. So she collected her things at night, jumped out of the window and went away with her lovely boy. And they lived happily forever. The end :)
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Native school... Has passed 8 years since then when we have crossed for the first time its threshold. Then our eyes were shone with curiosity and children's delight. We did not guess at all that the school becomes our second house. At school we have learned to write, read, consider, we have learned to live. After all from the first class of the teacher tried to impart to us not only knowledge from various sciences, but also a part of the soul. They put good, caress, justice, honesty, mind in our souls. Also I think their diligence were not vain. In school there has passed the most part of our life. And though time goes, anybody from us will not regret these remarkable academic years. In our second house we got acquainted with friends and quarreled with them, rejoiced, received двенадцять for the answer, and have grieved because of the two. Within the precincts of school we have learned to think, express the feelings, have learned to be mistaken and correct these mistakes. Exactly here we brought up the will power, patience, muzhestvo.no how there were our destinies.