Read these sentences and turn them into positive sentences, negative ones or questions. The phrases behind the given sentences tell you what to do. Don’t forget about full stops and question marks.
Example 0. He can correct the mistakes. (negative sentence)
Answer 0. He can't correct the mistakes.
1. Richard can play the trumpet. (general question)
2. Henry can cook spaghetti. (general question)
3. Can she take a day off? (positive sentence)
2. We walked into the room finding all our friends there.
3. Looking for my keys, I found a pair of glasses having been lost for months.
4. While doind the shopping, she was talking on her mobile phone.
5. Waiting for my train, I was reading a newspaper.
6. The man, looking at you, wants to introduce himself.
7. Being very proud, Sally will never accept your money.
8. Conimg from another town, Andrew hasn't got money friends yet.