ответьте на следующие во В своих ответах упоминайте время, место или обстоятельства действия. Следуйте этой модели. Модель: A. Have you bought any bread? B. Yes, (I have), I bought some on my way home. A. 1. Have you any new films this month? 2. Have you seen read Hamlet? 3. Have you ever tasted pine-apples? 4. Have you been to London this year? 5. Have you met your former school friends lately? 6. Have you had your holidays yet? 7. Have you donc homework in phonctics for today? 8. Have you scen a live rhinoceros? 9. Have you ever offered help to your friends? 10. Have you posted my letter today? 11. Have you ski'd much this winter?
Как делать
3. In the circus trained animals perform ___for__ the audience
4: There are a lot of vegetables __in___ the grass in the park
5. Bob enjoys walking _on__ the grass in the park
6. Mary got up late and was late __for__ her classes yesterday.
7. Mr Smith came to Sidney _by_ train.
8. Kevin was good __at__ drawing when he was a child
9. This is a picture __by___ Aivazovsky. He was interested __in__ painting the sea.
10. I look __after__ my pets well. They are very important to me.
11. The trainer and the dog are on the ring. The trainer is showing numbers _to__ the dog.
12. In many countries people take __up___ playing computer games.