Gorky Park is the central park of Kharkiv, where, by the way, you can not only walk along the beautiful alleys and cobbled paths, but also ride plenty of extreme attractions, have fun on dance floors and even demonstrate your physical fitness at various sports facilities.
Вот перевод:
Парк имени Горького — центральный парк Харькова, где, к слову, можно не только прогуляться по красивым аллеям и мощеным дорожкам, но и вдоволь накататься на экстремальных аттракционах, повеселиться на танцплощадках и даже продемонстрировать свою физподготовку на различных спортивных объектах
1. We enjoyed our holiday. The hotel was very nice.
2. "Can I ask you a question? "Of course. What do you want to ask?"
3. You look very tired. You need a holiday.
4. "Where's Tom?" "He's in the bathroom."
5. Jane is an interesting person. You must meet her.
6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the city center?
B: Yes, go straight on and then take the next turning left.
7. A: Shall we go out for meal this evening?
B: Yes, that's a good idea.
8. It's nice morning. Let's go for a walk.
9. Amanda is a student. When she finishes her studies, she wants to be a journalist. She lives with two friends in a flat near the college where she is studying. The flat is small but she likes it.
10. Peter and Mary have got two children, (тут не знаю) boy and (тут тоже) girl. The(вроде) is seven years old and the(вроде) girl is three. Peter works in a factory. Mary hasn't got a job.
Вроде так, но может быть несколько ошибок, сори.