1)Cricket matches are played on an oval grass field, in the center of which is a pitch-an earthen rectangle of about 3x20 meters. At the ends of this platform there are special zones (crises) with wooden gates. To play cricket you need two teams of 11 participants
2)Amateur cricket has the same rules as professional cricket. An ordinary Amateur cricket match is played on the village green — an open space in the centre of the village. Cricket is played by two teams — a team of villagers and a team of visitors from another village.
1)Матчи по крикету проводят на овальном травяном поле, в центре которого располагается питч – земляной прямоугольник примерно 3х20 метров. В торцах этой площадки находятся специальные зоны (кризы) с деревянными калитками. Для игры в крикет нужны две команды по 11 участников
2)Любительский крикет имеет те же правила, что и профессиональный. Обычный любительский матч крикета проходит на деревенской лужайке — открытом месте в центре деревни. В крикет играют две команды — команда жителей деревни и команда гостей из другой деревни.
I think we can vote for the Moscow Underground. The Moscow Metro is recognized as the most beautiful underground railway system in the world. The Metro opened in 1935 and now it is the second largest underground railway system in the world. The Moscow underground has 177 stations and 7 million people travel on the Metro every day. The Moscow Metro map is like the London Tube map: it does not show true distances, it only shows how to get from one place to another. The Moscow Metro has been around for more than 70 years and has become part of our culture and history. To many, the Moscow Metro represents all that is great and beautiful in Russia.