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Перевести на . 1)города, расположенные на побережье часто являются портами.2)поля. разделённые живыми изгородями, всегда выглядят привлекательно. 3) отравленные реки представляют опасность не только для рыбы, но и
для человека. 4)в каждой стране есть фабрики и заводы, загрязняющие окружающую среду.5) места, связанные с шекспиром находятся в стратфорде-на-эйвоне.6)что ты думаешь о людях, загрязняющих окружающую среду? 7)как мы
называем людей, живущих в шотландии и говорящих на шотландском диалекте? 8) дети, взволнованные церковым представлением, решили стать акробатами. 9)есть ли в британие местности, покрытые лесами? 10)фрукты,
закансервированные в году, были вкусными.


1. The cities/towns situated (located) on the coast are often ports.

2. Fields separarted by hedges always look very attractive.

3. Poisoned rivers are dangerous not only for fish but for man too.(перед словом 'man' артикль не требуется, так как имеется в виду человек как представитель животного мира)

4. In every country there are plants and factories polluting the environment.

5. The places connected with Shakespear are situated in Stratford-upon-Avon.

6. What do you think of people polluting the environment?

7. How do we call people living in Scotland and speaking the Scottish dialect.

8. The children excited by the performance decided to become acrobats.

9. Are there any areas in Britain covered with forests?

10. The fruit canned last year was very deliciuos.

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According to the works of modern official Kazakh historians, the Kazakhs are the descendants of the peoples: Sakas, Huns, ancient Turks, respectively - the Republic of Kazakhstan is the successor statehood of the listed ethnic groups. Among the "ancestors" of the Kazakhs are also ancient Andronites and arias.

The absence of credible written sources forces the formation of an independent Kazakh Khanate by the middle of the 15th century, by the years of the reign of the Khan-Chingizids of Janibek and Kirei who had receded in the 1460s. from the horde of Abulhair Khan.

The flourishing state of the Kazakhs is usually associated with the activities of the khans: Hakk-Nazar (1538-1580), Yoshima (1598-1628), Tauke (1680-1718). However, the integrity of the nomadic state of the Kazakhs is questioned due to the steadily fixed trial of the horde-horde structure. None of the senior khans of the XVI-XVIII centuries. did not extend its power to all tribes and kind of Kazakhs.

The territory was annexed to the Russian Empire in the eighteenth century. For the most part, the accession was voluntary.

Kazakhstan became the KazSR in 1936. During the 1950s-1960s. Soviet citizens intensively mastered virgin soil in northern Kazakhstan. The influx of settlers (predominantly Russian) led to ethnic diversity and predominance of non-Kazakhs in the region.


Согласно трудам современных официальных казахстанских историков казахи являются потомками народов: саков, хуннов, древних тюрок, соответственно - Республика Казахстан правопреемник государственности перечисленных этносов. В число «предков» казахов зачислены также древние андроновцы и арии.

Отсутствие достоверных письменных источников заставляет относить образование независимого Казахского ханства к середине XV века, к годам правления ханов-чингизидов Джанибека и Кирея откочевавших в 1460-х гг. от орды Абулхайра-хана.

Расцвет государственности казахов обычно связывают с деятельностью ханов: Хакк-Назара (1538-1580), Есима (1598-1628), Тауке (1680-1718). Однако, целостность кочевого государства казахов подвергается сомнению благодаря устойчиво фиксируемой триальной жузово-ордовой структуры. Ни один из старших ханов XVI-XVIII вв. не распространял свою власть на все племена и рода казахов.

Территория была присоединена к Российской империи в XVIII веке. По большей части присоединение носило добровольный характер.

Казахстан стал КазССР в 1936 г. В течение 1950-1960-х гг. советские граждане интенсивно осваивали целину в северном Казахстане. Приток поселенцев (преимущественно русских) обусловил этническое разнообразие и преобладание неказахов в регионе.

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of the future!: Mysterious and unknown

Foreword: Good day dear Trendclubers. I publish the post of my sister (in order to avoid the fact that I myself will plus it). Now I bring to your attention an essay-style essay on a given topic of the contest.

Mysterious and unknown

City of the future. How do we see him? Absolutely different people live in the world. Around us are atheists, satanists, Buddhists and they all believe in something of their own, for each of them there is a separate ideal world and I am sure for them the city of the future is, like for everyone, something definitely mysterious and unknown. But I still decided to try on the role of a science fiction writer and think about this distant city of the future.

I believe that the city is directly dependent on the people living in it. We all see it in our own way. For some, it is beautiful, but for someone to live in it is hell on earth.

None of the people is perfect and the city in which these people live is also far from perfect. But still, I love my city and I hope for its further prosperity.

Beautiful city of the future

Bright and outstanding city of the future. That's how I want to see him. Promising developments in technology, a large number of new and promising establishments. I believe that in the future crime will be eradicated and it will be safe to walk in our city in the evenings. High-rise buildings, numerous new amusement parks and much more done by the hands of good and good people. I believe that dreams will come true, there will be many prospects for people just starting to live on their own. I would like to have more jobs, and people did not need anything, that there were no homeless people, and everyone had a roof over their heads and ways to honestly earn money. My ideas can be listed endlessly, but there is a separate topic that I would like to discuss with you dear TrendKlabers.

City cleared of crime

As I said, I dream that in our city of the future, crime will be completely eradicated. Of course, this is not an easy way and this will be quite difficult to achieve. There are several options for bringing this perspective to fruition.

For example, in the future, they may invent an apparatus that will directly affect the brain of the person who committed the crime. To be honest, I do not understand technology very well, so I can’t say for sure what this invention will work by, but I’ll say that it will be something like a lobotomy, only faster, more efficient and more humane.

The second option is more cruel than the first. Perhaps in the future in our city (well, in the country) the death penalty will be resumed. People will simply be afraid to commit crimes and eventually stop completely.

And at the end, the last option is probably the most unrealistic. It’s just a hope that people themselves will realize what terrible things they sometimes do. They decide to improve themselves, and our city of the future will be cleared of crime.

What kind of people, such a city

As I said, the city is directly dependent on people. If we want our city of the future to be as beautiful as we sometimes imagine, then first of all we need not to create great mega corporations or invent something, we just need to try to change ourselves. I’m not talking about the fact that everyone needs to get a haircut as a monk or spend 24 hours in a church, you just need to look into yourself and think about whether we deserve life in a beautiful city of the future. Can we keep it as bright as we want it to be? Unfortunately, I can’t answer this question, because everyone decides for himself. We just all need to become at least a little better, and then we ourselves will not notice how the city will be transformed with us.

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