1 supports Алина поддерживает добро путём волонтерства и сбора средства
2 help Игорь поехал в Африку для того, чтобы бедным людям научиться читать и писать
3 made Дети сделали баннеры для того, чтобы привлечь местные власти к благотворительным мероприятиям
4 inspected Должностные лица по охране окружающей среды проверили пляжи на предмет загрязненности
5 poison Вредные выбросы могут отравить землю (почву) и уничтожить окружающую среду
6 raised Наш класс собрал деньги для Всемирного Фонда Дикой природы
7 campaigned Местные жители агитировали за большее число велосипедных дорожек, для того, чтобы исправить качество воздуха в городе
8 destroyed Лесной пожар уничтожил среду обитания диких животных
Museum "Living Systems" is a unique platform where you can literally touch the most complex objects in nature, to the arrangement of living systems. There are 150 exhibits. They will let you understand and feel how all living things work. It is located at the Savelovskaya metro station, at the address: Moscow, Butyrskaya st., 46, can be reached on foot in 10-15 minutes. Museum working hours:
Weekdays: from 9:30 to 19:00,
Weekends and holidays: from 10:00 to 20:00
The museum is two-stories high, it houses a huge number of exhibits, everything is easy and accessible, there is a plate with a description and a principle of operation near each exhibit. The plates hang in 2 copies: in Russian and English. In addition to general models and mannequins of a person, the museum has a lot of interesting things, for example, to find out how the appearance of spoiled foods changes, and also to find out how much salt or sugar is contained in our favorite foods and drinks.
You can also clearly see the work of the joints while cycling. And also, for example, what animal can you shout down, how much water you have, which animal can you compete with in the long jump, or who is your namesake in weight category from the animal world and much more! Come, it will be interesting!
11. C
12. A
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20. B