To capital - 863 years. Date not round, therefore from magnificent celebrations have refused. However, the program of all equally was sated: traditional national гуляния, concerts. And for a holiday have dated opening a museum and a palace.
They from Tula, Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar, Tyumen and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk... But feel muscovites, therefore and congratulate capital from the bottom of the heart. 40 thousand students, having fun and being pleased, have passed today on streets of city which at once and for a long time became for them the family
Complete the sentences using nouns formed from the verbs in brackets.
1. The ... of America was made in 1492 by Christopher Columbus.
2. I can't tell the ... between butter and margarine. (difference)
3. Susie takes after her father in (appearance)
4. The staff at this hotel is excellent. They give very good (service)
5. The ... to the park is through the gate over there. (entrance)
6. The American ... of this word is different from the British. (usage)
7. We'll have to stay at this hotel. There's no ... . (choice)
8. You need more... if you want to speak good English. (practice)
9. The police said they were awaiting further (development)
10. He can't get over the ... of so much money. (loss)
11.She accepted his ... for his rude behaviour at dinner. (apologies)
12.There is a ... at the bottom of the letter, but I can't make it out. (signature)
13. I made an ... to see the dentist tomorrow (appointment)
14.The film didn't come up to our ... at all. (expectations)
15. It will be very helpful if you continue your … . (investigation)