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02.12.2022 17:51 •  Английский язык

Поставить английские предложения в отрицательную (-) и во формы.

1. There is a cup of tea and some sandwiches on the table.

2. Yesterday there arose a lot of questions on this subject.

3. There are many desks and a blackboard in the classroom.

4. There is some bread in the basket.

5. Yesterday there were a lot of children in the skating–rink.

6. There are two cats in the yard.

7. There was a red rose in her hair.

8. There are a lot of beautiful parks in our town.

9. There are some students in the corridor.

10. There is a picture on the wall.

11. There is little sugar in my coffee.

12. There was something in the bag.

13. There are my parents in the next room.

14. There came a loud sound .

15. There were a lot of mistakes in his dictation.

16. There is an old man on the bench.

17. There are some boats in the river.

18. There is somebody in the room.

19. There is too much salt in the soup.

20. There were four men in the car.


1)There isn't-

2)Yester there wasn't-

3)there aren't-

4)there isn't-

5)Yesterday there weren't

6)there aren't

7)there wasn't

8 )there aren't

9)there aren't

10) there isn't

11)there isn't

12)there wasn't

13)there aren't

14)there didn't came

15)there weren't

16)there isn't

17)there aren't

18)there isn't

19)there isn't

20)there weren't

4,8(20 оценок)

1.There isn't a cup of tea and any sandwiches on the table

Is there a cup of tea and some sandwiches on the table?

2. A lot of questions on this subject didn't arise there yesterday.

Did a lot of questions arise on this subject yesterday?

3. There aren't many desks and no blackboard in the classroom.

Are there many desks and a blackboard in the classroom?

4. There isn't any bread in the basket.

Is there some bread in the basket?

5. Yesterday there weren't a lot of children in the skating-rink.

Were there a lot of children in the skating-rink yesterday?

6. There aren't two cats in the yard.

Are there two cats in the yard?

7. There wasn't a red rose in her hair.

Was there a red rose in her hair?

8. There aren't a lot of beautiful parks in our town

Are there a lot of beautiful parks in our town?

9. There aren't any students in n the corridor.

Are there some students in the corridor?

10. There isn't a picture on the wall.

Is the a picture on the wall?

11. There isn't little sugar in my coffee.

Is there little sugar in my coffee?

12. There wasn't anything in the bag.

Was there something in the bag?

13. There aren't my parents in the next room.

Are there my parents in the next room?

14. A loud sound didn't come.

Did a loud sound come?

15. There weren't a lot of mistakes in his dictation.

Were there a lot of mistakes in his dictation?

16. There isn't an old man on the bench.

Is there an old man on the bench?

17. There aren't any boats in the river.

Are there some boats in the river?

18. There is nobody in the room.

Is there somebody in the room?

19. There isn't too much salt in the soup.

Is there too much salt in the soup?

20. There weren't four men in the car.

Were there four men in the car?


4,4(45 оценок)
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Some admire generous autumn, others like merry snowy winter, many of us enjoy drippingsnow but I love summer!

We have the longest holidays in summer! There is no necessity at all to get up early. Neither lessons nor hometasks! You may do what you want: to swim all day long or go to the forest to gather berries! And so it is during three long wonderful months of the best season!

And what bright colours summer has!

It is a pleasure to the eyes the wild verdure of trees and grass, the gold of sunrays, the bright- blue sky with the white clouds on it. And have you ever been in the fields in summer? How many colourful flowers you can see there! So, you couldn`t take your eyes off this beauty!

And bright juicy apricots, plumps, raspberries cry out to be eaten!

This summer I have been at the seaside. I was admired how changeable the sea was! In a minute it could change its colour; from limpid- blue up to dirty - brown. But nevertheless it was fine! I would like to come back here again and again!

I like summer because I can see very often the rainbow. And the summer itself is the real rainbow of colours!


Одни восхищаются щедрой осенью, другие любят веселую снежную зиму, многим из нас по душе весенние капели и подснежники, а я люблю лето!

Летом у нас самые длинные каникулы! Вам нет необходимости рано вставать. Никаких уроков и домашних заданий! Вы можете делать все, что захотите: купаться целый день или ходить в лес за ягодами. Впереди - 3 месяца самого лучшего времени года!

А какие яркие краски у лета!

Ваш глаз радует буйная зелень деревьев и травы, золото солнечных лучей, ярко - голубое небо с кипенно - белыми облаками. А бывали ли вы когда-нибудь в поле летом? Сколько разноцветных цветов вы здесь увидите, просто глаз не отвести!

А яркие сочные абрикосы, сливы, клубника так и просятся в рот!

Этим летом я была на море и меня восхитило, каким разным оно могло быть! В одну минуту оно могло поменять свой цвет; от прозрачно- голубого до мутно - коричневого и тем не менее прекрасного!

А ещё я люблю лето, потому, что летом можно часто видеть радугу. Да и все лето - настоящая радуга красок!
4,7(6 оценок)
Every day we see thousands of things that cause us to wonder.And that one of them becomes a part of us.Our hobby and the work of the soul. 
I like finding art in things that seem looking.
I love looking for patterns on the Wallpaper or woodland.I think hobby gives us a chance to be real,to find your way. 
I often find new employment,but I think a work of my soul is painting are poetry.I draw and wrote since childhood.It sounded foolish,but now I see the sense in it and its future.For drawing I'm also going to include a repaint dolls.This is a very nice,but costly lesson.I love painting dolls,because you feel like creator.You create a little life,that's fine.The creation of something-a separate worker process,the length of time and a bit of magic.

Каждый день мы видим тысячи вещей,которые заставляют нас удивляться.И что то из них становится частичкой нас.Нашим хобби делом души.Мне нравится искать искусство в мелочах,которые кажутся обыденными.Я люблю искать картины на обоях или лесном пейзаже.Я думаю,хобби дает нам шанс быть настоящими,найти свой путь.Я часто нахожу новые занятия,но делом души считаю рисование и поэзию.Рисую и пишу я с самого детства .Раньше это казалось глупостью,но теперь я вижу в этом смысл и свое будущее.К рисованию я так же отношу перерисовку кукол.Это очень приятное,но затратное занятие.Я люблю рисовать кукол,потому что ты ощущаешь себя творцом.Ты создаешь маленькую жизнь,это прекрасно.создание чего либо-это отдельный процесс,отрезок времени и немного магии.

Для 5 класса многовато и сложновато,но можешь выбрать то,что нравится.Перевод дословный,так что предложения идут по порядку как в переводе. 
4,7(10 оценок)
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