1. The Library of Congress serves (Present Simple) not only members of the Congress, but researchers and scientists who use (Present Simple) it. serve, use - Библиотека Конгресса обслуживает не только конгрессменов, но и пользующихся ею учёных и исследователей. 2. We translated (Past Simple) many texts, but there is (Present Simple) one more text to translate. translate, be - Много текстов мы перевели, но остался ещё один. 3. The dean will send (Future Simple) the students to a big plant in summer. send - Летом ректор пошлёт студентов на большой завод. 4. Were (Past Simple) you at the theater yesterday? be - Ты был вчера в театре?
Kronotsky Nature Reserve. The relief of the reserve is mountanous, with plain patches along the sea shore only. There are a number of volcanoes, two of which are active. In lower parts there are hot springs and geisers. The reserve boasts 85 species of bryophitics, 6 species of pterydophita, among which such rare species as march fern. The fauna of the reserve is somewhat less various. Thus, minor black capricorn beetle arrived here by chance with the wood. The off-shore lowland is inhabited by reindeer. Among the ravenous the most common are ermines, wolverines and foxes.
2. We translated (Past Simple) many texts, but there is (Present Simple) one more text to translate. translate, be - Много текстов мы перевели, но остался ещё один.
3. The dean will send (Future Simple) the students to a big plant in summer. send - Летом ректор пошлёт студентов на большой завод.
4. Were (Past Simple) you at the theater yesterday? be - Ты был вчера в театре?