If I was kidnapped by aliens, I would be very surprised, first of all. The second thing I would probably do would be trying to find the way to communicate, suitable for all of us. It could be a sign-language or something like it. Thirdly, I am a curious person, so I would be asking them about their star and the planet where they came from and their anatomical structure and even their food ration. I would certainly ask them is 'Star Wars' movies showed the real events and whether they know any Jedi. It would be a great experience, I reckon!
Max got up (get up) early. He ... (cleaned) his teeth and ... (had) breakfast. It ... (was) 7.30 a.m., the 1 st of September. It ... (was) his first day at school . He ... (put) on his new school uniform and ... (took) flowers for the teacher. He ... (went) to school with his parents. His father ... (made) a video of him when he ... (gave) the flowers to the teacher. That day he had just a few lessons and ... (came) home early. After lunch he ... (went) for a walk with his new friend Anton. They ... (spoke) about their first day at school.Then they ...(told) each other about their summers. It was late and the new classmates went home. Max... (said): '' Goodbye, see you tomorrow''. And Anton said: '' Ok, see you, bye''. Max was tired but happy.
If I was kidnapped by aliens, I would be very surprised, first of all. The second thing I would probably do would be trying to find the way to communicate, suitable for all of us. It could be a sign-language or something like it. Thirdly, I am a curious person, so I would be asking them about their star and the planet where they came from and their anatomical structure and even their food ration. I would certainly ask them is 'Star Wars' movies showed the real events and whether they know any Jedi. It would be a great experience, I reckon!