The picture depicts children. You can see that they decided to take a picture. They are on the street, perhaps for a walk. The weather is nice, the sun is shining. They look very friendly, maybe they are friends or close relatives. One of them has a bag (backpack), maybe they are from school. They are dressed very lightly, so you can understand that the season is spring or summer.
There are many animals on the world. But I`d like to tell you about my favourite one. it is wolf. I`m really admire for its beauty and grace. There are many kinds of wolves, which have differents in their appeance, for example in colour. But I`m like this animals not only by its appearance, I`m wonder for their intelligance and devotion to their pack. Once, I saw wolves`s hunting on TV. It was emazing! I marvel their speed and endurance. They can silently stalk prey like a shadow. If someone`ll ask me whether I would like to become in the next life, I`ll have chosen wolf.
"Romeo and Juliet" is a famous tragedy written by William Shakespeare. The main heroes of the tragedy lived in Verona, Italy. They were from rival families, but the young couple fell instantly in love and decided to get married. But unfortunately they didn't. Romeo thought that Juliet died and drank some poison and killed himself, but Juliet when awaken from the artifisial sleeping and understood that Romeo was dead, killed herself with Romeo's knife. That is the doleful romance and one of the most often staged tragedy by the great British playwright.
The picture depicts children. You can see that they decided to take a picture. They are on the street, perhaps for a walk. The weather is nice, the sun is shining. They look very friendly, maybe they are friends or close relatives. One of them has a bag (backpack), maybe they are from school. They are dressed very lightly, so you can understand that the season is spring or summer.
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