I must say that I fully agree with these lines. All genius people are still human beings no matter how brilliant they are. It means that they are members of society. They have friends, relatives, colleagues, competitors. Their art is always inspired by life and relationships. Unfortunately, they suffer a lot because they are very sensitive and emotional. It makes them vulnerable when it comes to conflicts, fame, or drugs. Some genius musicians such as John Lennon were killed due to some political reasons, others died from drugs or illnesses.
1 I am usually calm before exams.
2 I never gossip about other people.
3 I always ask people before I borrow their thing.
4 I always arrive at the station or bus stop with plenty of time before I catch trains or buses.
5 I usually tell people when I notice that they have food in their teeth.
6 I always give up my seat for old people on public transport.
7 I rarely tell my friend when he/she looks bad in an outfit.
8 I always switch my mobile off before my English class.
Наречия частотности обычно ставятся перед глаголами, за исключением форм глагола to be и модальными гл.
1. Every;
2. None of;
3. Whole;
4. Each.