1 Francis Drake sailed around
the world between 1577 and 1580
on the orders of Queen Elizabeth
2 Marie Curie once said that the use
of x-rays during the war saved
the lives of many injured men.
3 Blackbeard and his crew attacked
ships on the Atlantic Ocean and
Caribbean Sea to get their treasures
4 Ivan the Terrible terrorised
and killed thousands of people
during his reign
5 in 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded
Egypt with an army
of nearly 33,000 men
6 The Europeans feared
the Vikings because they were
extremely strong warriors who
made surprise attacks.
7 Ivan the Terrible was just 17 years
old when he became
the first tsar of Russia.
8 Queen Elizabeth made
Francis Drake a knight in 1581.
9 They found
a huge
navy and attacked them
10 During his second voyage to the
New World, Christopher Columbus built
the new colony
of La Isabela.
11 Blackbeard hid the treasures he stole
from different
ships on land
12 The Vikings often buried
their dead at sea, on burning boats.
Technology and advancement - good or bad?
First of all we have to figure out what is technological progress? So, progress is improvement of something. Progress in technology and engineering is an improvement of the technical gears for the greater good. To answer this question and say "Good or Bad" we need to think about simple things, about little improvements in our every day life. Microwave - good or bad? Not gonna lie if i tell you that microwave is very useful thing and this is definitely good. Whole bunch of things that we have nowadays is the improved technology. But there are some dark sides. As techology improves our responsibility become bigger. Pollutions of nature is our problem number one. We have to avoid it as we are getting much more powerful sources of energy like atomic stations and etc. This is "bad" but we can figure it out. So if you ask me its good or bad i definitely say THIS IS GOOD.