ответ:1. The first documentary evidence of the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. According to historians, the first trees decorated in honor of Christmas appeared in Alsace (then it was part of Germany, now France). For felled firs, pines and beeches, festive decorations were colored paper roses, apples, cookies, sugar cubes and tinsel.
Первые документальные свидетельства о традиции наряжать елку относятся к началу XVII века. Как утверждают историки, первые наряженные в честь Рождества деревья появились в Эльзасе (тогда это была часть Германии, в настоящее время – Франция). Для срубленных елей, сосен и буков праздничными украшениями служили розы из цветной бумаги, яблоки, печенье, кусочки сахара и мишура.
A Russian military fort was built at Maykop in 1857.[12]
In 1911, oil deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Maykop.[citation needed]
In 1936, Maykop and the surrounding region was merged with Adyghe Autonomous Oblast, and became the administrative centerof the autonomy. Maykop was occupied by the Wehrmacht on August 9, 1942 without a fight as a result of Brandenburger commandooperation. In January 1943, it was liberated by the Transcaucasian Front of the Red Army.
Since 1991, Maykop has been the capital of the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation.