4 Pat has got an encyclopaedia.No,he hasn't got an encyclopaedia.He has got a dictionary
1 Ken has got a motorbike.No,Ken hasn't got motorbike.Ken has got a bike
5 I have got a red scooter.No.I haven't got.I have got a green scooter.
2 My grandparents have got two dogs.No my grandparents haven't got two dogs.They have got one dog
6 A zebra has got spots.No, a zebra hasn't got spots.A zebra has got a stripes.
3.You have got a garden.No,you haven't got a garden.You have got a roof terrace.
7 My friends have got three kids.No,my friends haven't got thee kids.They have two kids
1. The directors now assembling were admirals and field marshals of commerce. 2. For a businessman to be invited to serve on a top-flight bank board is roughly equivalent to being knighted by the British Queen. 3.1 had a nice newsy gossip with Mrs. Needham before you turned up last night. 4. The little half-starved guy looked more a victim than a. villain. 5. Meanwhile I nodded my head vigorously and directed a happy smile in the direction of the two ladies. 6.1 shook hands with Tom; it seemed silly not to, for I felt suddenly as though I were talking to a child.
2. Оно было обнаружено на острове Самотраки французским археологом в 1863.
3. Оно было отправлено в париж в 1863.
4. Оно хранилось в Лувре
5. Каждый день этим восхищались тысячи туристов