The official written languages of Hong Kong are Chinese and English, as stipulated in Article 9 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong. Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese, as well as English, are allowed as official spoken languages. Written Cantonese is used mainly in children's literature, advertising and other informal correspondence. In addition, the languages of recent immigrants from the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries are used in everyday life. The current situation of dual writing and trilingualism appeared relatively recently (after the transfer of Hong Kong to the PRC in 1998).
1. a chicken sandwich and a glass of mineral water.
would you like a banana or strawberries?
2. an apple, a toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast. The fly is on a ceilling on the (a) kitchen.
3. An accoutant, A lawyer. They work in the same company in center of our town.
Ten dollars an hour
4. Where are the dogs?
They are in the garden.
5. There is a parrot in a cage/
Если говорим о неизвестном предмете, то неопределенный артикль A / An. Если речь идет о чем-то определенном, то перед ним ставится артикль The.
Артикль A ставится перед словами, которые начинаются с согласных звуков (a cat, a house, a yard), а An – перед словами, которые начинаются с гласных звуков (an apple, an hour).
Там где я оставила пропуски ничего не нужно