I. Поставьте предложения в the Present Simple Passive
1. She pays a lot of money.
2. You do not write the letter.
3. Does the police officer catch the thief?
II. Поставьте предложения в the Present Continuous Passive
1. My father is washing the car.
2. Farmer Joe is milking the cows.
3. He is not wearing a tie.
4. Is she watering the flowers?
III. Causative Forms
1. She that he wouldn’t tell anyone.
a) made him promise
b) made him promised
c) promised to make
2. My tooth still hurts. I have to get a dentist soon.
a) look at it
b) to look at it
c) to get it looked at it
3. I a couple of days ago.
a) had my bike to be fixed
b) had my bike fix
c) had my bike fixed
4. I will not with this!
a) make you get away
b) let you get away
c) get you get away
5. The movie sad.
a) made to feel
b) made him feel
c) made him to feel
6. I from my other address.
a) have my mail forwarded
b) make my mail forwarded
c) get my mail forwarded
7. Don’t these things about you!
a) let him say
b) let him to say
c) let him said
8. Have your assistant these letters immediately.
a) to send
b) send
c) to be sent
9. He yesterday.
a) had his hair cut
b) got his hair to be cut
c) let hair to be cut
10. The professor early.
a) to let the students leave
b) let the students leave
c) let the students to leave
1 The men dug seven wells because there were problems with water in their village.
2 A German man was chosen the head of the village.
3 He had seven sons.
4 Fritz disliked in his childhood that when some water was taken from the wells, it splashed on the ground.
5 Fritz made his wish come true when he was made head of the village.
6 He locked the wells and told the villagers to pay for the water from the wells.
7 The old soldier couldn't drink any water from the well because he had no money to pay for it.
8 After his death the water disappeared from the wells.