Looking for a job
by Alexander Gusev
I graduated from the University with a Bachelor's Degree in Law two years ago. I've applied for 30 jobs since then, but nobody's contacted me yet. Although my real passion was writing novels, I decided to play safe and become a lawyer. I always thought there is big money in the sphere, so I was hoping to earn a decent salary. However, my plans crushed at the very beginning and I couldn't make any money at all.
While studying at the university, I was taking creative writing classes. My teacher told me I had a talent, but I needed to commit more to writing. Even though I was interested, I made a decision to focus on law-related studies. I managed to pass my law exams as well as writing exams, all with A's. But even good grades couldn't help me with getting a job.
I started feeling frustrated, and to calm down, I began to write again. I would search for new job offers in the morning and then spend the rest of the day typing. In order to share my works with other people, I submitted some of my short stories to a literature magazine. They printed all the stories, and soon I got a call from a publishing house. Believe it or not, but soon I'll have my first book published!
Task 2. Complete the sentences. Use: save, transmit, download, communicate, land, compilation, contact, spacecraft, heating, solar.
1. Will inhabitants of other planets ever try to contact us?
2. The solar system includes the sun and the planets that go around it.
3. Satellites transmit signals back to Earth.
4. When did the spacecraft land on the moon?
5. Peter made a compilation of rock songs and burned it onto a CD.
6. Make sure you save any important files so that you don't lose them.
7. It was cold in the house because the heating wasn't working.
8. The Internet makes it easy for us to communicate with people from all over.
9. Yuri Gagarin travelled in a spacecraft called Vostok I.
10. Why don't you download some pictures for your project from the Net?