Dan never did up his jacket, even in winter. What are so busy with? - I'm doing out house for my birthday. Would you like something to eat? - No, thanks. I'm not hungry. I could do with a glass of juice. We're eating out tonight, and I think you should do yourself away with it. It won't be easy to do away with this bad habit. Could you do the dress up for me. I can't reach the buttons. Are you tired? - Oh, yes. I can do with a good night sleep. Before you leave the kitchen do it out, Cinderella.
Use the words to complete the text.
waste, pollute, acid rain, burning, species, poisons
Many factories and plants also pollute air and water by burning fuels such as oil and coal and throwing away their waste. This burning releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases, which react with water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form acids. Acid rain gets into lakes, rivers, and seas and it poisons their water. It does a lot of harm to different species of fish and plants.