1.he is not a good student. He doesn`t study well - он нехороший студент. Он не хорошо учится. 2. likes, watches - Мой младший брат любит смотреть мультики. а моя бабушка всегда смотрит мыльные оперы. 3. begin, finish - наша лекция начинается в 8.30 утра и заканчивается в 5 вечера 4. go - я часто хожу в ночные клубы с друзьями 5. what do you prefer tea or coffee? - что ты предпочитаешь чай или кофе? 6.lives, see - мой друг живет недалеко от меня и я часто вижу его.
0.What is this text about? 1.What did a man use to say ? 2.What did he do all his life? 3.Where was he travelling one day ? 4.He lost his way, didn't he ? 5.He had no food or water , did he ? 6.What was his physical condition? 7.Was the heat terrible? 8.Were there only stones and sand or grass and green trees around? 9.Where did he see a bag ? 10.What did he hope to find in the bag ? 11.What did he find in the bag finally? 12.Where did he leave the bag ? 13. What did he say crying bitterly? 14.What is the moral of the story?
1. It is a telephone.
2. The weather is cold.
3. are they in Italy?