Прочитайте текст, ознакомьтесь со значениями выделенных слов и
The United Kingdom оf Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom is situated off the north-west coast of Europe. The UK
includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are
London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. English is the only official language.
The population of the UK is about 60 million people who live mostly in towns and
cities. Some of them prefer living in the suburbs. 46 million people live in
England; 3 million people live in Wales, about 5 million - in Scotland and about
1,5 million - in Northern Ireland. There are different nationalities in the UK: the
English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish.
The British Isles are separated from the Continent by the North Sea and the British
Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and
the Irish Sea.
The climate of Great Britain is mild: it is never too cold or too hot in the country.
It often rains but snow falls are only in the north. There are also many rivers and
beautiful lakes. The main river is the Thames and the longest one is the Severn.
The UK is an industrial country. The main industries are coal and oil. It produces
and exports machinery, electronics, and textile. One of the most important
industries for the country is shipbuilding.
The UK is a parliamentary monarchy. The parliament consists of two Houses: the
House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Head of the country is Prime
Minister. The population of London is over 7 million people.
London is the capital of the UK and the main tourist attraction of the country.
There are a lot of places of interest in London which attract thousands of tourists
every year. They usually want to see Westminster Abbey, the Houses of
Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the London Bridge, and the
Tower of London. Westminster is now the political centre of London. Buckingham
Palace is the Queen’s official residence. Londoners usually watch the Changing of
the Guards in the forecourt of the palace. It lasts about 30 minutes. The Tower of
London is associated with many important events in the British history. It has been
a fortress, a palace, a prison, a mint.
There are many universities, colleges and schools; libraries, museums and theatres
and art galleries in the country. Among them are the National Gallery, the NationaPortrait Gallery, the Tate, and the Museum of London. The most famous
universities are in London, Cambridge and Oxford. The largest cities of the
country are: Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast and Dublin
Задание :
1 Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста.
1. The ……. ……. is the Thames.
2. The UK is a parliamentary ….. .
3. There are also many beautiful ….. .
4. English is the …….language in the UK.
5. People live mostly in the …. and cities.
a) official
b) lakes
c) monarchy
d) towns
e) largest river
2 Соответствует ли данное утверждение содержанию текста.
Irish is the official language in the UK.
Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.
The population of the country is 70 million people.
Most of the people live in the suburbs.
The UK is a parliamentary monarchy.
1. “да/нет”
2. “да/нет”
3. “да/нет”
4. “да/нет”
5. “да/нет”
3 Выберите ответ на во по содержанию текста.
1. London is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, isn’t it?
2. Are there many rivers and lakes in the UK?
3. Has the Tower of London been a fortress and a prison?
4. Is the United Kingdom situated off the south-west coast of Europe?
5. Are the snow falls in the north of Great Britain?
a) Yes, they are.
b) Yes, there are.
c) No, it isn’t.
d) Yes,
Четыре сезона в году - весна, лето, осень (или осень) и зима. Лето - самое жаркое море в нашей стране, оно наступает в июне, июле и августе. Июнь - самый загруженный месяц для студентов. Это период отчислений. Летом отдыхают и работают в студенческих трудовых отрядах. Большинство людей отдыхают в летние месяцы. Затем наступает осень, которая длится три месяца: сентябрь, октябрь. Дети возвращаются в школу, студенты - в техникумы и институты. и ноябрь. Кто-то любит осень больше, чем кто-либо другой. После плохих дней. Идёт сильный дождь. Студенты должны много работать и проводить большую часть своего времени в помещении. Декабрь - первый зимний месяц. Декабрь, январь и февраль - зимние месяцы, но иногда холодная погода наступает раньше, в ноябре или октябре. Самый холодный месяц - январь. Зимой дни короче, если день солнечный и безветренный, приятно кататься на лыжах и коньках. Наша молодежь увлекается спортом и много времени проводит на природе. Не забывайте, что даже в холодные дни в вашей квартире должно быть много свежего воздуха. Проветрите комнату в чудесную погоду, ведь бабье лето часто наступает, а ночи становятся длиннее. Воздух холодный. Идет сильный снег.