Домашними питомцами могут быть собаки,кошки,мышки,рыбки,хомяки,кролики,попугаи,морские свинки,шиншиллы,хорьки.Люди ухаживают за ними кормят,моют, ласкают.С собакой надо играть,за кошкой надо убирать,за рыбками надо смотреть чтоб они не съели других рыбок(если несколько разновидностей рыб в одном аквариуме),хомяка надо беречь,за кроликом надо смотреть чтоб он не чего не погрыз, за попугаем очень трудный уход, морские свинки любят ласку, хорьки любят поспать,значит им надо сделать удобную кровать,шиншиллы любят заботу,внимание и любовь.
near Newfoundland, humpback whales gather in large groups, or
"schools" as they are
called often "singing" to each other and making jumps out of
the water. However, if
you were a humpback whale,
you would have a
problem. Today these playful and friendly whales are caught
in the nets of fishermen who would prefer to save
them if they could.
Jon Lien and his assistants have been helping to free whales
from nets since 1998. More than 600 whales are being realesed
up to now. In an interview Jon stated that
our government had agreed that the rescue of
was ___an issue that should be discussed at the
international level. But, unfortunately, today some countries, like
Japan, have
a different view on the protection of
Today scientists wish that the government wuld financed
the production of "whale alarms"
that would tell
fishermen where the whales were so that the fishermen could avoid the
area when they
go fishing.Consequently
, fishermen wouldn't lose thousands of
dollars' worth
of nets and fish, and the whales would be saved.