1. The deck is clean now. The sailors scrubbed the deck.
2. The dockers loaded the cargo two hours ago.
3. I already went to the cinema.
4. I was at the cinema yesterday.
5. Our ship calls at London port several times.
6. Last year our ship called at this port.
7. I never saw the Houses of Parliament.
8. I saw the Capitol several times.
9. Last year we lived in this part of London but the rent was very high.
10. I saw this film today.
11. The Buckingham Palace attracts my attention.
12. I visited London lately and Trafalgar Square impressed me greatly!
13. The Romans built the first bridge over the Thames and since then London never stopped growing.
14. Many years ago London was a small swampy place.
15. London double-deckers impressed my friend greatly!
16. Yesterday we visited the Bolshoi Theatre.
17. We visited the Bolshoi Theatre lately.
2. Tourists come to Russia to learn Russia coulture, Russian food to try.- туристы приезжают в Россию что бы узнать русскую культуру, попробовать русскую еду.
3.Some come to share- Некоторые приезжают по обмену.
4.Other people come to study Russian language.- Другие приезжают чтобы изучить русский язык.
5. To see the sights.- Осмотреть достопремичательности.
6.The desire to learn how live in Russia.- Желание узнать как живут люди в Росии
7. Не знаю