My mother is the best person I have ever met. I admire her. My mother's name is Inna Vasilievna. She is thirty five and she is a nurse in our hospital. My mother is very pretty and kind. She has a round face as everyone has, a bit long nose and big cheerful grey eyes. I think mother has a charming smile. Her hair isn't very short but it is not long either. It is straight and black. She can draw very well but she can't play the piano as my granny can. We are very friendly and try to get along with each other. She is very helpful. We discuss our problems and solve them together. I love my mother very much.
This person of high growth, is shortly cut, hair fair-haired, direct. The person good-natured, opened, eyes gray. Lips chubby, dimples on cheeks. Cheekbones high, it is smoothly shaved. The nose is a bit snub-nosed. It is wide in shoulders, carries a gray suit from expensive fabric, fashionable trousers, a white shirt with a collar, at a tie. Leather shoes. It is charming, young. Brad Pitt.
Этот человек высокого роста, коротко подстрижен, волосы русые, прямые. Лицо добродушное, открытое, глаза серые. Губы пухлые, ямочки на щеках. Скулы высокие, гладко выбрит. Нос немного курносый. Широк в плечах, носит серый костюм из дорогой ткани, модные брюки, белую рубашку с воротничком, при галстуке. Кожаные туфли. Обаятелен, молод. Бред Питт.
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