Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in Africa and they had a little Baby Elephant. One day Father Elephant carne home and saw that (что) his dear little Baby Elephant was sad. And Father Elephant asked, "Why are you sad, my little Baby Elephant?" Baby Elephant said, "Oh, Dad, I want to play in our school football team.
But my socks, T-shirt and shorts are too small and I can't put them on." "Don't worry, my dear!" said Father Elephant. "I'll buy you nice new clothes." They came to Mrs Lion's shop. "Good morning, Mrs Lion," said Father Elephant. "Good morning, Mr Elephant!" said Mrs Lion. "Can I help you?" "Have you got any nice socks for my little Baby Elephant? 1 want to buy him some new socks," said Father Elephant. "All our socks are too (слишком) small for your Baby Elephant. But wait (подождите) a little, and my little Lions will make him new beautiful socks." The little Lions made nice new yellow socks for Baby Elephant. Then Father Elephant paid (заплатил) for the socks and put them on Baby Elephant. Baby Elephant was very glad, and he said, "I like my new socks very much, thank you." "Let's buy you a new T-shirt and shorts now!" said Father Elephant. So they went to Mrs Tiger's shop. 14. Answer the questions:
1) Why was Baby Elephant sad? 2) Why did they go to Mrs Lion's shop? 3) Why did Little Lions make new socks for Baby Elephant? 4) Why was Baby Elephant very glad? 5) Why did they go to Mrs Tiger's shop?
He lived in England for fifteen years/ They have read all these books since last year. You have done this exersice very well. John has already sent a telegram to his brother. Student has already translated this text from russian into English. I have not seen Mary for ages. The mechanic has not come yet. They have not informed me about the accident. You have not lived in Slavgorod for 2 month. She has never been to NY. Have you had a holiday this year? What have they done since morning? Has she cooked the dinner yet? How many letters has he written since morning?
But my socks, T-shirt and shorts are too small and I can't put them on." "Don't worry, my dear!" said Father Elephant. "I'll buy you nice new clothes." They came to Mrs Lion's shop. "Good morning, Mrs Lion," said Father Elephant. "Good morning, Mr Elephant!" said Mrs Lion. "Can I help you?" "Have you got any nice socks for my little Baby Elephant? 1 want to buy him some new socks," said Father Elephant. "All our socks are too (слишком) small for your Baby Elephant. But wait (подождите) a little, and my little Lions will make him new beautiful socks." The little Lions made nice new yellow socks for Baby Elephant. Then Father Elephant paid (заплатил) for the socks and put them on Baby Elephant. Baby Elephant was very glad, and he said, "I like my new socks very much, thank you." "Let's buy you a new T-shirt and shorts now!" said Father Elephant. So they went to Mrs Tiger's shop.
14. Answer the questions:
1) Why was Baby Elephant sad?
2) Why did they go to Mrs Lion's shop?
3) Why did Little Lions make new socks for Baby Elephant?
4) Why was Baby Elephant very glad?
5) Why did they go to Mrs Tiger's shop?