2 Are you going to have a coffee?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
3 Are you going to catch a bus?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
4 Are you going to eat in a restaurant?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
5 Are you going to meet some friends?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
6 Are you going to cook a meal?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
7 Are you going to go shopping?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
8 Are you going to wash your hair?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
9 Are you going to do your homework?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
2. Ты собираешься/будешь пить кофе?
3. Ты собираешься ехать на автобусе?
4. Ты собираешься кушать в ресторане?
5. Ты собираешься встретиться с друзьями?
6. Ты собираешься что-то готовить?
7. Ты собираешься заняться шоппингом?
8. Ты будешь мыть свою голову (волосы)?
9. Ты собираешься делать свою работу по дому?
Harry is 21. He passed his school exams with good marks and left school at 19. Now he’s at university. He’s a 1) STUDENT and he receives a 2) GRANT from the state to help him pay the university 3)FEES and his personal expenses. He is very 4) KEEN on his subject, mathematics, and it will be useful to him in the future. He works hard and enjoys his 5) STUDIES. University 6) COURSES in Britain usually 7) LAST for three years. After this, Harry hopes to GRADUATE 8). A good 9) DEGREE will get him a good job.
3. Выбери правильный вариант употребления местоимений.
… brother is a pupil. … loves to sing very much. … like to listen to …singing.
… favourite song is «Yesterday».
c) my, he, I, his, my
4. Выбери строку, где правильно употреблены a, some co словами: water, dog, armchair, sugar.
b) some water, a dog, an armchair, some sugar
8. Выбери вариант, где вопросительное предложение построено правильно.
a) Do you get up early every day?