1.the doctor assessed his General health .
2.scientists report a life expectancy of 90 years.
3.Smoking guitar happened at a concert.
4.some drugs help reduce stress.
5.eat balanced food so that your stomach does not hurt.
6.get a good night's sleep before school.
7.get vaccinated against influenza and SARS.
8.when riding a motorcycle, you can get serious injuries.
9.the broken bone was almost healed.
10.the doctors were able to prevent infection.
1.доктор оценил общее состояние здоровья .
2.ученые сообщают ожидаемая продолжительность жизни 90 лет.
3.копчение гитары произошло на концерте.
4.некие препараты уменьшит стрес.
5.ешьте сбалансированую пищу чтобы не болел живот.
6.выспись хорошенько перед школой.
7.сделайте прививки от гриппа и орви.
8.при езде на мотоцикле можно получить серьезные травмы.
9.сломанная кость почти зажила.
10.врачам удалось предотвратить инфекцию.
May 9 is Victory Day. On this day, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought. They were not afraid of death, they suffered hunger, cold and pain. They fought for 4 years for our land. This war ended on May 9, we and our parents go to the square to put carnations, lilacs. These dead will be remembered in our memory.
9 мая - День Победы. В этот день наши деды и прадеды отважно сражались. Они не боялись смерти, они страдали от голода, холода и боли. Они сражались 4 года за нашу землю. Эта война закончилась 9 мая, мы с родителями идем на площадь, чтобы поставить гвоздики, сирень. Эти мертвые будут помнить в нашей памяти
1. I don't want him to stay. I want him to leave my house and never came back.
2. The answer made him to feel as if he had been slapped in the face.
3. I wonder if anyone saw you coming out of that house. If anyone saw you leaving, you'll be in trouble.
4. His remarks sometimes make me feel uneasy. Could you be a dear and make him stop teasing me.
5. She watched they disappeared and slowly went back into her house.
6. We told jokes and it made the time pass.
7. I saw he stopped and looked at the house closely and put downsomething in his notebook.
8. He knew that his son was keeping the key near the front door.
9. Randolph didn't want his secretary to find those papers. They might make her doubt his loyalty to the firm.