My favorite holiday is a New Year.I like this holiday because I recieve presents.I celebrate this holiday with my family.We decorate the flat and a New Year tree.We cook different dishes.Then we visit friends and relatives. We sit at the table and watch TV.After 0.00 o'clock we clink glasses and give presents.
Мой любимый праздник Новый Год.Я люблю этот праздник потому что получаю подарки.Я праздную этот праздник со своей семьей. Мы украшаем квартиру и Рождественскую ёлку.Мы готовим разные блюда.После мы приглашаем друзей и родственников.Мы сидим за столом и смотрим телевизор. После 0.00 часов мы чокаемся и дарим подарки.
This five-start resort is being built eighteen metres below the sea in the Bahamas.
It will be linked to land through two tunnels.
The complex won't be completed until next year but reservations are already being accepted.
Two people were murdered, while the castle was being built.
Not long after the building was finally completed in 1625
the castle was attacked by the Clan Mcintosh and was abandoned b
Since then it has been fully restored and now a luxury hotel
But, it is said that the bedroom at the top of the East Tower is haunted.
The Icehotel is made of nothing but ice and snow!
This amazing hotel was first built in 1990, and since then it has been completely rebuilt many times.
The temperature is kept at about 5C,but don't worry.
Special hi-tech sleeping bags are included in the price!