9. Of all the insects, I love barrels and ladybugs more than 7 10. Her little sister never 11. I am afraid of cows much more than anything. I saw an ostrich. than dogs. 12. If you behave well, I will let you go to the cinema. 13. Mrs. Dale did not like to play lotto. 14. The last word of the rhyme fell again on Polly. 15. I saw you looking out the window, this is not good! 16. Is it true that you compose verses very easily? No that's not true. 17. Our new teacher taught us how to use the dictionary. 18. I would gladly give her my finger if she were not so tall. 19. Can you give me more examples? 20. Sorry! I didn’t want to push you!
2 фото:
1. Where are you taking them? I lead them to the lake. 2. JloTO Yes. 3. She could not bear the girls, an interesting game? who lied (lie). 4. Suddenly, Lily began to cry. 5. A large crowd of people gathered in front of the house. 6. Have you invited your sister's friends too? -Yes, I should have invited them. I did not want to offend her. 7. Where is our new guest? He is sitting in the living room. 8. The horse was taken to the back yard.
У магічній країні все добре проводяться Деякі хлопчики катаються на динозаврі. Дві дівчини їдуть бампер автомобіль Подивіться на дядька Філа і Ронні! Вони є катання на ролеркостері Це настільки захоплююче! Але Ронні це не так веселитися взагалі! Не виглядає так страшно. Подивіться на Джессіку! Вона рухає руками зі снігом Білий. І Сьюзен? Вона фотографує їх. Подивіться у Грега і Луки! Вони знаходяться на піратському кораблі. Вони є йдемо на пустельний острів. Існує скарб скарбів там І подивіться на Еліот! Не перед цим жахом будинок Він розмовляє з примарою. Можливо, це привид кажучи йому страшну історію.
1 фото:
9. Of all the insects, I love barrels and ladybugs more than 7 10. Her little sister never 11. I am afraid of cows much more than anything. I saw an ostrich. than dogs. 12. If you behave well, I will let you go to the cinema. 13. Mrs. Dale did not like to play lotto. 14. The last word of the rhyme fell again on Polly. 15. I saw you looking out the window, this is not good! 16. Is it true that you compose verses very easily? No that's not true. 17. Our new teacher taught us how to use the dictionary. 18. I would gladly give her my finger if she were not so tall. 19. Can you give me more examples? 20. Sorry! I didn’t want to push you!
2 фото:
1. Where are you taking them? I lead them to the lake. 2. JloTO Yes. 3. She could not bear the girls, an interesting game? who lied (lie). 4. Suddenly, Lily began to cry. 5. A large crowd of people gathered in front of the house. 6. Have you invited your sister's friends too? -Yes, I should have invited them. I did not want to offend her. 7. Where is our new guest? He is sitting in the living room. 8. The horse was taken to the back yard.