1) Choose a or an: an opinion, an old dress, a class, a hand.
2) Choose the correct article before countable nouns.
1. I don’t have brothers or sisters.
2. I have a cousin. Do you have a cousin?
3. Write him a letter when you come back home.
4) Choose the correct article before uncountable nouns.
1. Could you pass me the salt, please?
2. The bread is stale.
3. Paper is made of wood.
5) Fill in articles before countable and uncountable nouns. Put ‘–’ for the zero article.
1. I am going out for a walk. I need some fresh air.
2. We need petrol. I hope we’ll come to a petrol station soon.
3. The soup isn’t salty enough. Could you pass me the salt, please?
Переделайте следующие предложения в Active Voice.
1. The student was asked to tell the story once again.
2. Moscow is very much admired by the visitors.
3. “King Lear” can be successfully performed by a group of amateurs.
4. The meal is being prepared now.
5. Many variable paintings were destroyed by the fire.
6. Light and heat are given to us by the sun.
7. The question hasn’t been answered properly.
1. They asked the student to tell the story once again.
2. The visitors admire Moscow very much.
3. A group of amateurs can successfully perform “King Lear”.
4. They are preparing the meal now.
5. The firee destroyed many variable paintings.
6. The Sun are gives us light and heat.
7. They haven’t properly answered the question.