I found candy, but I didn't find cookies
The baby drank the juice, but did not drink the milk
my great grandmother fed the geese but she didn't feed the ducks
Mary wrote the test but didn't write the report
the boys drew the head but they didn't draw the hair
my mother brought meat but no potatoes
they built a modern kindergarten but did not build a Playground
He bought a cotton shirt, but he didn't buy wool trousers.
We caught a lot of fish, but we didn't catch any crabs.
1. The elephant was upset because he was lost.
2. The bird flew high into the sky and looked for the other elephants.
3. The elephant never forgets his friends.
4. a
One day I saw a young elephant. There weren't any other elephants around, and the elephant was lonely and upset. Suddenly I knew what the problem was. The elephant was lost. I flew high into the sky and looked for the other elephants. I saw them near a river and went back to the young elephant. 'Come with me!' I said. I flew in front and the elephant followed. Finally, the elephant joined the others near the river and I left.
Twenty years later, the elephant was in a different part of the jungle and saw a man with me in his net. I was old, but was still beautiful and colourful. Suddenly, the elephant recognized me. The elephant ran towards the man and made a loud noise. The man dropped the net in surprise and I was free. 'Why did you help me?' I asked. 'Because I never forget my friends,' said the elephant.
Может быть уже поздно,возможно потом кому нибудь пригодится ответ.
ответы с переводом на русский
1. Yenlik was playing football an hour ago.
1. Енлик играл в футбол час назад.
2.They weren't climbing down the mountain at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.
2. Вчера в 7 часов вечера они не спускались с горы.
3. She was skiing this time last Saturday.
3. В субботу она каталась на лыжах.
4. Gulfiya and Yerbol were swimming half an hour ago.
4.Гульфия и Ербол полчаса назад купались.
5. It wasn't raining this afternoon.
5.Сегодня днем дождя не было.
6. You weren't sailing at this time last Sunday.
6. Ты не плавал в воскресенье.
I found candy, but I didn't find cookies.
The baby drank the juice, but did not drink the milk.
My great-grandmother fed the geese, but she didn't feed the ducks.
Mary wrote the test, but she didn't write the report.
The boys drew the head, but they didn't draw the hair.
Mom brought the meat, but she didn't bring the potatoes.
They built a modern kindergarten, but they didn't build a Playground.
He bought a cotton shirt, but he didn't buy wool trousers.
We caught a lot of fish, but we didn't catch any crabs.