I. Now he studies English but at school he studied French. 2. Now he often sleeps in the daytime but he never slept in the daytime before. 3. Now she knows something about the life of these people but before she came to live here she knew nothing. 4. Now I like classical music but when I was 18 I liked rock. 5. I am a student now but last year I was a pupil. 6. He leaves home at 8 oclock in the morning but when he lived in the country he left home at 7. 7. He doesn't smoke now but only a few months ago he smoked. 8. She seldom writes to me now but there was a time when she wrote to me more often. 9. This year we go to the cinema at weekends but last year we went to the cinema once a month. 10. We usually watch TV in the evening but last night we watched it in the afternoon .
Великобритания — одно из крупнейших государств Европы, ядерная держава с 1952 года (признанная в соответствии с Договором о нераспространении ядерного оружия 1968 года), постоянный член Совета Безопасности ООН, бывшая метрополия Британской империи; британский монарх также есть глава 15-и иных независимых государств и глава Содружества.
Форма правления — парламентарная монархия. Форма государственного устройства — унитарное государство, хотя с конца XX века три из четырёх исторических провинций (Шотландия, Северная Ирландия, Уэльс) обладают правами ограниченной автономии.
Столица — город Лондон, один из крупнейших городов Европы и финансово-экономических центров мира.
Официальные языки: английский, а также в регионах за пределами Англии — соответствующие традиционные языки, как то: шотландский, валлийский и гэльский язык.
2. Now he often sleeps in the daytime but he never slept in the daytime before.
3. Now she knows something about the life of these people but before she came to live here she knew nothing.
4. Now I like classical music but when I was 18 I liked rock.
5. I am a student now but last year I was a pupil.
6. He leaves home at 8 oclock in the morning but when he lived in the country he left home at 7.
7. He doesn't smoke now but only a few months ago he smoked.
8. She seldom writes to me now but there was a time when she wrote to me more often.
9. This year we go to the cinema at weekends but last year we went to the cinema once a month.
10. We usually watch TV in the evening but last night we watched it in the afternoon .