1- c
2- b
3- e
4- d
5- f
6- a
1. I will take part (или am taking part/ am going to take part) in football match tomorrow.
2. John goes skateboarding every Sunday.
3. Nelly usually swims in the pool every weekend.
4. Alice wanted to set a new record last month.
5. Mary's teacher is proud of her results.
будущее время (можно выразить разными конструкциями в зависимости от вероятности действия. will - низкая вероятность (менее 50%), Pr.Cont- высокая вероятность (более 90%), going to - средняя вероятность (50-90%) регулярное действие (каждое воскресенье) - Pr. Simpleрутина ( обычно) - Pr. Simple факт о факт о настоящемkadyrgali zhalairi-a collection of letopisei the requezt baris Godunova.
P. P. Semenov-Tyan - Shansky-explored the Tien Shan, discovered a number of glaciers, reached the peak of Khan Teniri
N. A. Severtsev-explored the Aral Sea, described the relief, nature and climate
I. V. Musketov-wrote a hypothesis about gradual warming
A. N. Krasnov-vegetation of the desert zones of the foothills of the Tien Shan
L. S. Berg-participated in the expedition to the Aral Sea, described its types and wrote the work "The Aral Sea"
ОбъяснениеFor me, there is nothing more adventurous and exciting than traveling. From my point of view, going on a trip is always a great way to spend a good time and disconnect from a daily life. Based on my research, I can infer that travelling is a key to happiness because it expands the knowledge, develops useful skills, improves health and just helps to have a fun time!
3)at 7: 30 in the morning, I leave the House. since I have to go to school for 25 minutes, I try to get out on time. I pass through my yard, and then through another school that is nearby. on the way, you need to pass another school, 3 yards and 2 times the road. if you go through everything, you will get a windbreaker. he enters through the door and enters the school. (this is just an example.)
I live in Odessa .
Odessa is a beautiful city .
There are many parks cafes and restaurants there.
I like Odessa because it's very clean .