Сколько у тебя книг? How many books do you have?
Сколько у него сыновей? how many sons does he have?
Сколько у них сумок? How many bags do they have?
Сколько у неё друзей? How many friends do you have?
Сколько у вас ручек? How many pens do you have?
There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations.
The major holidays are: New Year's Day, Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, and Independence Day.
The first holiday of the year is New Year's Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st of December.
A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 7th of January. It's a religious holiday and a lot of people go to church services on that day.
On the 8th of March we celebrate Women's Day when men are supposed to do everything about the house, cook all the meals and give women flowers.
The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day which is celebrated on the 9th of May.
Independence Day is a new holiday in our country which is celebrated on the 12th of June.
We also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland on the 23d of February, Easter, Day of Knowledge and other holidays in our country.
How many books do you have? How many sons does he have? How many bags do they have? How many friends does she have? How many pens do you have?