1) present because in word buys ending -s 2) present because in word takes ending -s 3) present because once a week 4) present because often and in word uses ending -s 5)present because often 6)present because usually 7) present because in word loves ending -s 8)present because in word makes ending -s 9)present because it regular action. 10)present because in word pats ending -s.
1)Newspapers was bought by father. 2)The garbage was took by once of my family. 3)Food for our pets was bought by we. 4)The computer often was used by my elder brother than I do. 5)Our parents’ friends was invited on the parties by our parents 6)Bus No 181 was took by them 7)Half a kilo of bananas was ate by this animal which loves bananas 8)A special pie for her birthday was did by her 9)Esperanto in many parts of the world was spoke by people 10)Mike’s education was paid by his father
Википе́дия — общедоступная многоязычная универсальная интернет-энциклопедия со свободным контентом, реализованная на принципах вики.
Владелец сайта — американская некоммерческая организация «Фонд Викимедиа», имеющая 37 региональных представительств.
Википе́дия — общедоступная многоязычная универсальная интернет-энциклопедия со свободным контентом, реализованная на принципах вики. Владелец сайта — американская некоммерческая организация «Фонд Викимедиа», имеющая 37 региональных представительств.