Вставьте в пропуски слова в нужной форме.
1. depend, dependence, interdependence, independence, independent;
2. necessary, necessities, necessarily, unnecessary, unnecessaries;
3. vary, various, variety;
4. secure, security;
5. relative, relatively;
6. profit, profitable, profitability, profitably, profitless, unprofitable;
7. maintain, maintenance;
8. communicate, communication;
9. possible, possibility, impossible, possibly.
6. the level of living does not greatly in industrialized countries, it is the same.
7. if costs are higher the business and the firm will go bankrupt.
8. it is important for national governments to tradefacilities such as roads, railways, sea ports, and airports in good condition
2. Nutrients will supply the body with energy that is needed for chemical reactions. (Питательные вещества будут снабжать организм энергией, необходимой для химических реакций) - will supply - Future Simple Active от глагола supply, is needed - Present Simple Passive от глагола to need.