Exercise 1. Write the following dates in English:
3.1.88 22.5.90 1.9.89
1.9.91 5.8.89 12.5.95
Exercise 2. Find the enclosures for the following opening phrases:
Dear Sir, Messrs
Dear Mr Brown Gentlemen
Dear Dr Harris
Exercise 3. Write the address in English:
Манчестер, 15, вулиця Марпл Роуд, будинок 37, Фірма Астлей Браузeрс.
Exercise 4. Discuss the following points before starting writing a business letter:
1. What is the difference between the English & American ways of writing the date?
2. What is the difference of writing the inside address in English & Ukrainian?
3. How do the English & the American write the opening salutation & the complimentary closing?
4. When is the phrase «for the attention of …» used?
5. What is the opening paragraph intended for?
6. What phrases can be used in the opening paragraph?
7. What is the main principle of dividing the letter into paragraphs?
8. What words are used to fit the paragraphs together smoothly?
9. What should you remember about enclosures and why?
2) I had seen many photos of the pyramids before I went to Egypt.
3) Jane stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom.
4) Nick used to smoke but, the gave it up.
5) Could you tell me where the library is?
6) It's surprised that she failed the exam, because she's a good student.
7) She's interested in politics and often talks about it.
8)The time when a man and a woman are getting married is a wedding ceremony.
9) I couldn't Hoover the carpets because the vacuum cleaner wasn't working.
10)She has a flat on the sixth floor of the large detachedhouse.