1. I was at home yesterday.
2. They were in the zoo.
3. We were in the park.
4. He was at school.
5. You were in the garden.
1. Jane wasn't cold.
2. Children weren't friends.
3. Tom’s mother wasn't sad.
1. Was it hot yesterday?
Yes, it was.
2. Was you at school last Friday?
No, I wasn't.
3. Were they in Minsk two days ago?
No, they weren't.
4. Were the dogs in the garden yesterday?
Yes, they were.
5. Was my friend happy today? (Или Is my friend happy today? Yes, he is.)
Yes, he was.
Watch - watched
Get - got
Do - did
Skate - skated
Help - helped
Say - said
Count - counted
Put - put
1. I played tennis.
2. She came home at 3 o’clock.
3. He went to the zoo every day.
4. My sister was at school now.
5. The cats played in the garden every morning.
1. She isn't at home now.
Is she at home now?
2. They weren't at school yesterday.
Were they at school yesterday?
3. I didn't write a lot of letters.
Did we write a lot of letters?
4. We didn't clean the flat two days ago.
Did we clean the flat two days ago?
5. He doesn't come to the park every Sunday.
Does he come to the park every Sunday?
Food is one of the most important things for a person. If it wasn't for food, we wouldn't have the energy to study, work, and so on. Food is needed not only for energy, but also for brain development. But do not abuse sweets ( ice cream, sweets, cakes, cookies, marshmallows). Sweets are bad for your health! Eat more vegetables ( cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage), fruits ( apples, oranges, tangerines, pomegranates ), berries (strawberries, raspberries, watermelon ). This will help not only your brain, but also your body, skin, and growth. Use this tip If you want to be healthy!
В детстве, как и у всех маленьких детей, у меня было много самых разных игрушек. Конечно, я очень любила играть в куклы — их у меня было не мало. И конечно, мне часто дарили мягкие игрушки. Многие из них до сих пор украшают мою комнату и поднимают настроение.
Но особенно дорога мне одна очень старая игрушка — заводной заяц. Я даже не помню, как этот зайчишка появился в нашем доме. Кто его принёс? Мне кажется, что он был со мной всегда. Маленький, ушастый и забавный зайка в ярко-оранжевой рубашке, синих штанишках и с голубым бантом на шее. Когда его заводишь, он вертит головой и уморительно стучит железными палочками по барабану. Я смотрю на зайца и улыбаюсь. Мне хочется заводить его снова и снова. Во многих местах на моей игрушке давно уже появились вмятины и царапины, а разноцветный барабан совсем облез. Но заяц по-прежнему радостно улыбается мне, его голубые глаза хитро прищурены, и палочки всё так же задорно отбивают барабанную дробь.
Я не расстанусь с ним никогда
1. Was
2. Were
1. Wasn't
2. Weren't