Ten months ago Peter and Sarah Moore came back to (1) _the_ United Kingdom from (2) _the__ States, where they had run (3) _a__ language school for (4) ___ immigrants for (5) _the__ last seven years. When (6) __te_ couple moved into their old house they got (7) __a_ chance to create (8) _a__ completely new interior. They decided to design (9) __a/the_ (оба варианта приемлемы, разница в том, как воспринимать определение: как индивидуализирующее или как описательное) kitchen they always wanted, with (10) _a__ large window, (11) __a_ double oven, as they are both (12) ___ very keen cooks, and (13) ___ traditional, country-style cupboards. (14) _The__ budget wasn't huge so they couldn't afford to hire (15) __an_ architect to design (16) _the__ interior. They did everything themselves – Peter painted (17) __the_ walls pale green using (18) __a_ mixture of different paints, Sarah found (19) ___ furniture and kitchen equipment in (20) ___ department stores and (21) ___ second-hand shops. (22) _The__ final result is impressive – (23) __an_ airy, spacious room with a lot of natural light. (24) _The__ kitchen is now (25) _the__ heart of their home and (26) __the_ family just love it.
1. a large amount of
2. a lot of
3. hardly any
4. a lot of
1. UNCOUNTABLE (дождик нельзя посчитать) можно использовать так же с: water/oxygen
2. COUNTABLE (чашки чая можно посчитать)
3. COUNTABLE (номера можно посчитать)
4. UNCOUNTABLE (деньги не посчитать)