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03.03.2020 01:59 •  Английский язык

Read the text. Find the sentences with the Complex Object and the Complex Subject.

Analogue and digital displays

You have only to think of the array of instruments in the cockpit of a modern airliner, or the control room of a power station to realize that the most convenient way to convey information to a human operator of an electronic system is to use some form of visual display. We know two types of displays to be used, analogue or digital, but sometimes a combination of both of them. An analogue multimeter displays the value of a measurement on a moving-coil meter that uses a pointer moving over a calibrated scale. On the other hand, a digital multimeter generally uses a liquid crystal display (LCD) or a seven-segment light-emitting diode (LED) display to give a numerical value of a measurement.
Digital displays based on LCDs and LEDs are known to have largely replaced analogue displays in many different types of instrument. The main advantage of LED and LCD displays is that, they are more rugged and can stand up to vibration better than the rather fragile moving-coil meter. They are also cheaper and easier to manufacture, and purpose-designed integrated circuits are readily available to operate them. But perhaps the main reason for their rise to fame is that many of today′s electronic systems process digital signals that are compatible with the operating principles of LCDs and LEDs.
Numerical display is not always the preferred choice in a digital system. Sometimes it is better to use an analogue display when the change in a reading is looked for. Analogue displays are often used on hi-fi amplifiers in preference to digital displays to indicate the audio power delivered to loudspeakers or the signal strength of a radio station. These analogue displays use a “bar of light” made of discrete LEDs or LCD segments that lengthen or shortens in response to the signal strength. Analogue displays of that kind make it easier to see how the signal strength changes with time rather than having to interpret the precise value. Perhaps that is why some people prefer digital watches with LCD “hands” since the time of day seems to have more meaning when set against the twelve-hour scale of time round the face of the watch.

The combination of electronics and optics is known to be optoelectronics. For example, an LED is an optoelectronics device. Numbers, letters and other symbols are formed by the selective illumination of one or more segments arranged in the form of the figure “8”. Each of the LEDs labeled ‘a’ to ‘g’ can be switched on or off by digital circuits. A display of this type, forming both numbers and some letters, is known as an alphanumeric display.
The LCD is a popular method of displaying information, especially in digital watches and pocket games. LCDs can display not just numerical data, but also words and pictures. Large-area LCDs rather than a cathode-ray tube are commonly used on some oscilloscopes, laptop computers and scientific calculators. The main reason for choosing LCDs for these applications is that their power consumption is minute compared with LED displays. Whereas the LED display requires electrical power to generate light, the LCD simply controls available light. This means that it is easily seen in bright sunlight but it cannot be seen in the dark unless the display is “backlighted”.
The LCD relies on the transmission or absorption of light by certain organic carbon crystals that behave as if they were both solid and liquid, that is, their molecules readily take up a pattern as in a crystal and yet flow as a liquid. In the construction of the common LCD unit, this compound is sandwiched between two closely-spaced, transparent metal electrodes that are in the form of a pattern, e.g. as a seven-segment digit. When an a.c. signal is applied across a selected segment, the electric field causes the molecular arrangement of the crystal to change, and the segment shows up as a dark area against a silvery background. A polarizing filter on the top and bottom of the display enhances the contrast of black against silver by reducing reflected light. This type of LCD is called a field-effect LCD, since it relies on the electric field produced by the a.c. signal.

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Seals are very well adapted for accommodation in the cold seas. All their body, including, flippers and a short tail, is covered with the rough dense hair protecting an animal from ice water, snow, ice and the penetrating wind. Under skin all seals have quite thick grease layer.Seals near sea coast of moderate areas of the Northern hemisphere live. They never swim away far from coast and, sometimes, settle in the large rivers and fresh lakes. The area of their distribution lasts along coasts of Atlantic to border of polar ices and along the American and Far East coasts of the Pacific Ocean.These are, rather, small animals. With a length of a body of a male approximately in 1,5 m weight reaches 50 kg and changes within 50-150 kg seasonally. Female of approximately same sizes. Near the Pacific Ocean especially large race of seals lives. The head of them roundish, with a short neck, the muzzle which as if is a little chopped off eyes big, a trunk thickset. Color of coloring considerably varies from yellowish-gray with dark-brown spots to almost black with white spots of the wrong form. Teeth large, and canines are well developed. Nipples at females only one couple. On a face of a vibrissa with wavy edges.

Тюлени очень хорошо при к проживанию в холодных морях. Все их тело, в том числе, ласты и короткий хвост, покрыто грубым густым волосом, защищающим животное от ледяной воды, снега, льда и пронизывающего ветра. Под кожей у всех тюленей находится довольно толстый слой жира.Обитают тюлени вблизи морских берегов умеренных районов Северного полушария. Они никогда не заплывают далеко от берегов и, иногда, поселяются в крупных реках и пресных озерах. Ареал их распространения тянется вдоль побережий Атлантики до границы полярных льдов и вдоль Американского и Дальневосточного побережий Тихого океана.Это, сравнительно, мелкие животные. При длине тела самца примерно в 1,5 м. масса достигает 50 кг и изменяется в пределах 50-150 кг в зависимости от времени года. Самка примерно таких же размеров. В районе Тихого океана проживает особенно крупная раса тюленей. Голова у них округлая, с короткой шеей, морда как бы немного обрубленная, глаза большие, туловище коренастое. Цвет окраски значительно варьирует от желтовато-серого с темно-бурыми пятнами до почти черного с белыми пятнами неправильной формы. Зубы крупные, а клыки хорошо развиты. Сосков у самок только одна пара. На лице вибриссы с волнистыми краями.
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If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another.

   Sport is an essential part of my daily life. Every morning all the year round I do my morning exercises. Almost every day I do some training. In summer I go swimming or rowing. During my summer holidays I go on hikes. I usually spend my winter holidays in the country where I ski, skate or toboggan.

   I also go in for track-and-field (athletics) events. Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as water polo, gymnastics, horse-racing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, ice-hockey, speed-skating, figure-skating, football, basket-ball, volley-ball, etc.

   We have fine teams at our school and different kinds of competitions take place there. The boys of my school are crazy about football, they play football and the girls are football fans. The girls never miss a single match played by school teams.

   And now a few words about our physical training lessons. In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors. We go skiing or skating. When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors, in our school gymnasium. We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volley-ball. Besides we have some training in gymnastics.

   In autumn and in spring, when the weather is warm we have P.T. lessons at our school stadium. My school has a sports day once a year in late spring. On this day we have no lessons.

    All the competitors change into their sports clothes, the spectators find their seats round the track ready to cheer. All the events take place at the same time. This day is a great success every year. Even if the weather is not warm, we enjoy ourselves just the same.

Спорт в моей школе

   Если хочешь быть здоров, ты должен заниматься тем или иным видом спорта.

   Спорт — существенно необходимая часть моей жизни. Каждое утро, круглый год я делаю утреннюю гимнастику. Почти каждый день у меня тренировки. Летом я занимаюсь плаванием или греблей. На летних каникулах хожу в походы. Я обычно провожу зимние каникулы в деревне, где катаюсь на лыжах, коньках, санках.

   Также я увлекаюсь легкой атлетикой. Среди моих одноклассников популярны разные виды спорта. Все мои друзья занимаются такими видами спорта как водное поло, гимнастика, конный спорт, борьба, фехтование, тяжелая атлетика, бокс, хоккей, конькобежный спорт, фигурное катание, футбол, баскетбол и т. д.

   У нас в школе есть хорошие команды и проводятся разные виды соревнований. Мальчики моей школы без ума от футбола. Они играют в футбол, а девочки — футбольные болельщицы. Девочки никогда не пропускают матчи, в которых участвуют наши школьные команды.

   А теперь несколько слов о наших уроках физкультуры. Наши уроки физкультуры зимой проводятся на улице. Мы ходим на лыжах, катаемся на коньках. Когда на улице холодно, физкультуру проводят в помещении, в нашем школьном спортзале. Мы играем в различные игры, такие как баскетбол или волейбол. Кроме того, мы немного занимаемся гимнастикой.

   Осенью и весной, когда погода теплая, уроки физкультуры проводятся на нашем школьном стадионе. Раз в год, в конце весны, у нас в школе бывает день спорта. В этот день нет уроков.

   Все участники соревнований переодеваются в спортивную одежду, зрители рассаживаются вокруг беговой дорожки, готовые поддержать спортсменов. Все соревнования проводятся одновременно. Этот день успешно проходит каждый год. Даже если если погода холодная, мы все равно получаем удовольствие.



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