3 Match the sentences to the words below. There are three words you do not need.
impatient confident arrogant shy generous lazy strong funny
1 Someone who thinks they are better than everyone else.
2 Someone who doesn’t like to wait.
3 Someone who doesn’t like doing anything.
4 Someone who finds parties and new people difficult.
5 Someone who likes to give to others.
Задание 4
I'm in the sixth grade.2) of course in our school it is very important to wear a school uniform.3) my favorite subject is mathematics. 4) After school I go home with a friend and do H/ W at home. 5) of course with the help of studying I will enter the best profession and open my own business.
Задание 3
FalseFalseTrueЗадание 2
Why did people stay in their homes as much as possible?
There were many thieves
How did “Bow Street Runners” get their name? [1]
How did “Bow Street Runners” get their name? [1]
because they worked near Bow Street.
Задание 1
1C 2B 3A
Katy: Have lots of breaks. I always study for thirty minutes. Then I have a break for
five minutes. [1]
5. Ben: I never have a Break. I sometimes study for two or three hour