1) Destruction of forests, acidification of the oceans, destruction of the ozone layer, future water shortages, waste management.
2) Do not cut down the forests, do not pollute the oceans, start collecting rubbish.
3) Sorting rubbish is a major problem and our country does not do it while developed countries convert rubbish into electricity.
4. Picking up rubbish in the street, saving water
1) Уничтожение лесов,окисление океанов,разрушение озонового слоя , нехватка воды в будущем,утилизация отходов.
2) Не рубить леса, не загрязнять океаны, начать собирать мусор
3) Сортировка мусора- главная проблема,в нашей стране этого не делают в то время как развитые страны делают из мусора электричество.
4. Подбираю мусор на улице, экономлю воду
Boris woke up when it was already quite light. He looked at his watch. It was a quarter to seven. Quick! Boris jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He had just time to take a cold shower and drank a glass of tea with bread and butter. He was in a hurry to catch the eight o'clock train. At the railway station he met three other boys from his group. They all had small backpacks and fishing rods. In less than an hour they got off the train at a small station near a wood. They walked very quickly and soon found themselves on the shore of a large lake. The boys spent the whole day there fishing, boating and swimming. They returned home late at night, tired but happy