.1) Не дозволяється користуватися мобільними телефонами. 2)Олівці, ручки, лінійки використовувати в бібліотеці за призначенням. 3)Не дозволяється підносити їх близько до очей, засовувати до носа чи вуха, розмахувати перед обличчям інших учнів-читачів. 4)Залишити зайві речі в класній кімнаті. 5). Ознайомитись з правилами поведінки в бібліотеці. 1) Is not allowed to use mobile phones. 2) Pencils, pens, rulers use the library for its intended purpose. 3) You may not bring them close to the eyes, nose or shove to ear, waving in the face of other pupils readers. 4) Leave the extra things in the classroom. 5). For the rules of behavior in the library.
1. Some helping in exchange of information is provided by scientific conferences. 2. He demonstrates some insisting on addressing this issue. 3. Being engaged in collecting material for a new article is my occupation now. 4. Arising of this error from the use of approximate methods occurs often. 5. Aiming at obtaining accurate data on this issue - that is what the efforts of many scientists are focused on. 6. In this connection, other studies in this field are worth mentioning. 7. In this article, suggesting the usage of the same principle when considering more complex systems is done by the author. 8. Preventing a new series of experiments from being conducted is caused by the lack of accurate data. 9. Trying to answer this question has been performed by scientists for a long time. 10. The reason for some differing in providing more accurate data lies in this method.
Погода солнечная и тёплая примерно плюс 29.
The weather is sunny and warm, plus about 29.
Ауа райы күн ашық және жылы, оған қоса шамамен 29.
на 3 языках