Complete the questions with will or
be going to. Then ask and answer
with a partner
1) people / have space holidays / in my lifetime?
2) your family / go camping / in the holidays?
3) our class / go on a day trip / soon?
4) you / visit the USA / next year?
5) you / travel around the world / in a few years'
6) you / buy a private jet / one day?
7) people / travel to other planets / soon?
1 Джон Напьер разработал костюмы для Кошек.
2 Они обслуживали ужин с 7:00 вечера и дальше.
3 Они перевели книгу на 25 языков.
4 Компания опубликует новую книгу о Гарри Поттере в следующем месяце.
5 Вы не можете использовать камеры в музее.
6 Мэр откроет новую галерею во вторник.
Решение #
1 The costumes for Cats were designed by John Napier.
2 Dinner is served from 7:00 pm onwards.
3 The book has been translated into 25 languages.
4 The new Harry Potter book will be published by the company next month.
5 Cameras are not allowed to be used in the museum.
6 The new gallery will be opened by the Mayor on Tuesday.